Spanish Kits Company | CSR | Society
Labour integration
We believe in people’s value and work. For that reason, we are fully committed to labour integration within our team; a fourth of the team at Spanish Kits is composed of people with different capacities.
Thanks to their enthusiasm and desire, we learn each day that there are no limits to reaching one’s goals. And that with effort and enthusiasm, everything is possible.
Sponsors of the STANPA Foundation
The Stanpa Foundation, a non for profit organisation promoted by the National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics along with 13 companies in the sector, was established in April 2012. The Foundation’s objective is to develop the Ponte Guapa Te Sentirás Mejor program in Spain, which is aimed at improving the self-esteem and quality of life of women who are receiving cancer treatment.
Founders and Sponsors

Beauty professionals offer the program as volunteers in workshops organised in hospitals. For 2 hours, they provide practical training about skin care and make-up with products donated by the participating companies.
This non-medical program is neutral with the companies who teach the make-up techniques. These techniques help manage the side effects to women’s appearances that result from chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other forms of treatment.
This program was founded in the United States in 1989 with the name “Look Good Feel Better”, and today is present in more than 20 countries and has helped more than 1.2 million women worldwide. As one participant in the program stated proudly, “Cancer can take away our energy, appetite and strength, but there is no reason it should take away our confidence in ourselves.”
At Spanish Kits, we decided to support this passionate project and collaborate actively as Sponsors of the Stanpa Foundation, creating an exclusive washbag to deliver all of the cosmetic products that we donate along with the other sponsors and collaborating companies. We also handle the logistics and distribution of the washbags in the hospitals that participate in the program.
During these workshops, we help many women regain confidence in themselves, and most importantly, their smile. It is a challenge that helps us grow day-to-day.
Together with UNICEF Spain for children
Another challenge that we are facing is the problem of global malnutrition. We actively collaborated in UNICEF Spain latest “Each Day Counts” (Cumpledías) humanitarian aid campaign.
Along with other companies, we were able to donate more than a million days to children who regrettably are living malnourished throughout the world. Through mail invitations and thanks to the creation of a customised micro-site, our customers extend the life of thousands of children with their donations.
Also, thanks to the “Will you help me?” platform ¿Me Ayudas? from UNICEF Spain, we are raising funds for children and families affected by the Yolanda Typhoon that hit the Philippines.
We have two initiatives to defend the fundamental rights of children: trying to prevent the preventable and changing, albeit slightly, the world.

United Nations Global Compact

We operate with respect and professionalism.
Loyalty and morality are the guides driving our business ethic. For this reason, we signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2002; thereby supporting the ten fundamental principles in treaties about Human Rights, Work Standards, the Environment and the Fight Against Corruption.